
I was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I grew up very close to my family and they remain my biggest influences for my work. I graduated from the University of New Mexico with degrees in both Art Studio and Chicana & Chicano Studies. Though I like to explore many mediums, my primary medium is printmaking,. Through Recent years I have also started woodworking and building frames. I am still early on in my career as an artist but I already participated in multiple group exhibitions which has prepared me for my first solo show.

            My main goal for my art is to express the love for my family and to explore the connection to my heritage. As a Chicanx artist, I want to continue to learn about my culture and I sees my art as an opportunity to express that. I use themes of family and religion in my art because that has been all I’ve known growing up. I plan to continue to use the iconography to challenge old ideas and to shed light onto new perspectives.

Growing up and experiencing life can be difficult in many ways, but I knew that a trip to grandma’s would fix anything I was going through. I never felt more at home than when I was sitting at my grandma’s while she made tortillas and beans. I felt safe and protected when I would stare up at the walls seeing all my family members honored with their own special place on grandma’s wall. I like to think that family and saints were right next to each other because every family member was sacred and held a special place in grandma’s heart.

            I love printmaking and making art, but more importantly, I love my family. I believe there is nothing more sacred than family. When I was younger, I used to pray in church and ask God to protect me, but now I turn to my family for protection. The religious iconography allows me to portray my loved ones as they deserve to be seen. The iconography also allows me to explore different perspectives and challenge the ones we’ve always known.